Thursday, October 28, 2010

My sister Carissa Roanna Hale

This is my eldest sister Carissa Roanna Hale. Carissa is turning 18 years old on January 27th. Carissa was born in Hawaii in 1993, a year before my other sister Jackie was born. Carissa has brown hair, brown eyes, nice white teeth, long pretty hair, freckles, and tan skin. Carissa is fun to be around and loves to have fun all the time. Carissa is always hyper and it gets super annoying sometimes. Even though she's turning 18 years old, she is so not mature yet. I don't think she ever will be mature because being hyper and having fun all the time is just who she is. Carissa is in college right now and is attending Sierra College. She has good grades and always has. Carissa is the smarter one of the family. She's very intelligent. Carissa has a good singing voice. She sings at our church that we attend, which is Roseville Christian Fellowship. She loves to sing and is also teaching herself how to play the piano. So far, she's tought herself 3 new songs and is continuing on. Carissa is planning on playing the piano at church when she gets old enough. Carissa is a great sister and is always looking out for me and Jackie. Carissa is a very protective sister and will help me and my sister when we need the help. Carissa has many nicknames/names that people have given her. For example, these 3 little kids at our church , Michael,Naomi, and Alize, call Carissa Mama Mia. Also, people call Carissa ; Clutz, Rissa, Rissa Roo, Roanna, Chris, and Roo. She has more, but I've forgotten most of them. Carissa is a kind person and i love her. So, this is my sister Carissa Roanna Hale.

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