Sunday, November 7, 2010

My cousin Jordan Isolla

My cousin Jordan is almost 18 years old and is the son of my aunt Chelly. He is tall and is very handsome. Jordan comes and visits my family once in awhile. He doesnt come around a lot because his mom doesnt allow him to. He tries to come and see us as much as possible though. Jordan has brown hair,brown eyes, and tan skin. Jordan is very handsome and i love him very much :] :] :]

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My cousin Richard Hale

This is my little cousin Richard Hale. Richard is about 3 years old and has the most cutest personality. He's still a little shy, but not too much. He has brown hair, pale skin, and has big beautiful blue eyes. Richard acctually got to name his new baby brother, so he feels super special now. He named his baby brother Raymond Michael Fresh, and of coarse Raymond's last name is Hale. Richard is the sweetest boy ever. he has super nice teeth and i hope that never changes. He is super handsome and i love my baby cousin Richard :] :] :]

My aunt Alicia Dixon and my uncle Duijone Dixon

This picture is of my aunt Alicia and uncle Duijone Dixon. This picture was taken at my little cousins baby detication at our church Roseville Christian Fellowship. My aunt and uncle are so awesome..i love them so much. Now i get to see them more often because me, my mom, and sisters just moved closer to them. My aunt and uncle just got 2 free lab puppies and so i go over ther and visit the puupies. My aunt is only 24 years old and my uncle is about 25 years old. They met eachother at taco bell because my aunt Alicia was his boss at taco bell. Cut love story huh? lol

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My aunt Desiree Cervantes

This is my aunt Desiree. Desiree is my mom's sister and that is how she is my aunt. Desiree is my real aunt, except she is my mom's half sister. My mom and Desiree have different moms, but the same dad. Desiree is 10 years old. She has beautiful long thick brown hair, dimples, pale skin, and is also on the chunky side. My aunt Desiree is unfortunately younger than me by only 4 years. But at being me at 9 years old saying i have a 5 year old aunty Desiree is so funny..i love her so much :] :] :]

My cousin Jayla Lola Dixon

This is my baby cousin Jayla Lola Dixon. Jayla just turned 1 years old a couple of weeks ago. Jayla has brown hair, brown eyes, big lips, dimples, and is a chunky baby. Jayla is very chunky. She's been chunky ever since she was about a month old. Everybody at our church calls her Jayla Bug because Jayla always wants to wear lady bug clothes and always wants lady bug clothes and stuff. Also, Jayla has plenty of cute, funny faces. Jayla has a face for everything she does. Sometimes when someone is talking to her mean like, she'll give them the most dirtiest face ever, it looks like she's gunna slap you or something lol. Also, when she doesn't like something she will make a face for that, when she's happy she will make a face to let you know she's happy. On one of these pictures, Jayla is making a turtle face. That was Jayla's first Christmas and all of a sudden she made that turtle face and i took a picture of it real quick. Haha Jayla is the cutest baby ever! She has the best skin and has beautiful shiny eyes. I love her :] :] :]

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My grandma Rebecca Anne Lawton

This is a picture of my grandma Rebecca Lawton. Me and my family call her grandma Becky. My grandma Becky is 50 years old. She lives in Coquille, Oregon. Out of all the grandmas i have, i like my grandma Becky the most. She is the coolest and the funniest grandma ever! Grandma Becky has curly short orange hair, she has orange freckles, she's short, and has super nice skin. My grandma Becky rescues animals and is an animal fanatic. I dont often see my grandma Becky, so when i do see her I give her a big hug and she gets the air taken out of her lol.i love my grandma Becky!!! She's the best grandma :] :] :]

Monday, November 1, 2010

My cousin Monty Hale

This is a picture of my little cousin Monty Hale. Monty had his first taquito at Carolinas Restraunt in this picture. My cousin Monty is either 2 years old or 3 years old. Monty has blue eyes, blonde hair, pale skin, and is kind of chunky. Monty is super shy. He doesn't even look at me because he gets all creeped out when people look at him, but Monty is starting to get use to me and my family because his family is starting to come to our church. Monty is the sweetest boy ever. I love him so much :] :] :] He has the most gorgeous eyes. So does his brother Richard Hale. I can't wait to post a blog about Richard because he is so handsome and cute! Richard also has the most gorgeous eyes ever!! I love them :] :] :]