Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My cousin Jayla Lola Dixon

This is my baby cousin Jayla Lola Dixon. Jayla just turned 1 years old a couple of weeks ago. Jayla has brown hair, brown eyes, big lips, dimples, and is a chunky baby. Jayla is very chunky. She's been chunky ever since she was about a month old. Everybody at our church calls her Jayla Bug because Jayla always wants to wear lady bug clothes and always wants lady bug clothes and stuff. Also, Jayla has plenty of cute, funny faces. Jayla has a face for everything she does. Sometimes when someone is talking to her mean like, she'll give them the most dirtiest face ever, it looks like she's gunna slap you or something lol. Also, when she doesn't like something she will make a face for that, when she's happy she will make a face to let you know she's happy. On one of these pictures, Jayla is making a turtle face. That was Jayla's first Christmas and all of a sudden she made that turtle face and i took a picture of it real quick. Haha Jayla is the cutest baby ever! She has the best skin and has beautiful shiny eyes. I love her :] :] :]

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