Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My dad Ricky Wayne Hale

This is a picture of my dad Ricky Wayne Hale. As you can see, my dad is in the military. Right now he is in Washington and will be returning either tomorrow or friday. My dad just turned 38 years old, like two weeks ago. He has blue eyes, brown hair, and he is about 5'8. My dad is short and i am almost taller than him. I don't often see my dad because i live with my mom and now he is in the military. I try my best to see him though when he comes down to visit. My dad is a great dad and cares a lot for his daughters. He has a great personality and loves to have fun. He also, gets very emotional sometimes when he is watching movies with me and my sisters and it's so funny. For example, one time me, my sisters, and dad were watching "Finding Nemo" and he was crying so hard because Nemo got lost and Marley and Dory thought Nemo was dead. Yeah it was the funniest thing i've ever seen because my dad NEVER cries, except while watching sad Disney movies. I miss my dad often, but ever time I see him it's like he was never gone. He always makes everything fun and chooses the best things to do. I love my daddy :] :] And I always will!

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